Postmodern theatre
Modernism started in the nineteenth century. It started with the scientific revolution, and put science and technology at the forefront of society. Logic and reasoning were defining factors in the material and ideas that came out of this style.
Postmodern philosophy started in Europe in the mid twentieth century as a reaction to modern thought. It is meant to challenge and deny the thought processes that were a part of modernity. The basis of postmodernism is that humans can never know real truth, and that reality is completely subjective. Consequently, postmodernists believe there is no such thing as “high” or “low” art. All arts are of value and they provide valuable view into the artist’s mind.
That latter theme is very common a part of postmodern theatre. Many instances of postmodern theatre will demonstrate what most people would consider to be unsophisticated. Postmodern theatre may also combine a variety of different medias and textualities. The audience is meant to be integrated into the performance; they should give it a meaning that is unique to them. All of these common themes and more are only loose ties between postmodern shows. It is hard to define postmodernism because it is always changing and it’s natural tendency to reject common reality makes it transform as culture transforms.