Only a short 20 minutes ago, I started making my very own website for my theatre dramaturgy class. The class, the projects, even this assignment, are all very exciting. I have found already that dramaturgy might be something I consider for a career, so learning more about it (and truly learning how to be effective in it) is interesting and engaging. In creating this website, I very much find that my biggest obstacle is not knowing what to do or how to do it; it's creating the vision that I have in my head of a cool, chic, informative, and artistic site. I could do it. Like, it wouldn't be HARD for me to make the idea I have in my head. The problem is that, I don't necessarily have the time to devote multiple hours a day to working on this. If I didn't pay attention to my time management while building my dramaturgy site, I could probably spend hours working on it while it only feels like a few minutes. And then suddenly I realize I haven't eaten for half the day and my to do list is not even a whole bullet point shorter.
This project then becomes like many of my other over zealous ideas- a dream meant for a world where we have 30+ hours in a day. Everything about this site will still be awesome. It will still satisfy my basic desires as an artist, and still (hopefully) satisfy the needs of my class. How much it will do both is a basic measurement of my efficiency and focus. Hopefully I can bring both to the table and create the vision jumping around in my head.