Biographical Information about the real people
This video of Sister Boom Boom is around the time she ran for election (Supervisor position) in 1982. It also features Diane Feinstein at the beginning and end.
Sister Boom Boom
Here, Sister Boom Boom is interviewed in the early 2000s on a San Francisco show called "The Drag Show". She speaks about running for the election. Execution of Justice is also brought up and she says it is mostly correct except that she was not around during the trial.
This article was written when Jack Fertig, known by his drag persona Sister Boom Boom, died in 2007. She was not necessarily important to the case of Dan White, but does exemplify the other part of society opposite of Dan's ideas.
Doug Schmidt- Defense Attorney
This website speaks more in detail about Doug and who he was as a person. Other cases of his are also outlined, as well as the effect that the Dan White trial had on him and his reputation.
Thomas Norman- Prosecutor
Though it was written after his death, this article gives great insight into Tom's reputation. Dan White's case is mentioned as deeply paining him. Many still admired his work as an attorney.
This article talks more in depth about Norman and the days around the trial. There are very interesting details such as how the cop that was on the jury telegraphed the outcome with a double tap on the defense table as they walked out.
Dan White
Here is a biography of Dan. It talks a bit about his life and reputation as an "All American Boy". It mentions his views, such as intolerance towards homosexuality and it also digs into the basics of the killings and his following trial.
This video of Dan White takes place while he is running for office, and resigning as a fireman. It is obvious that he is well-liked, extroverted, and genuine in his intentions. The end also shows quite a bit of his views of homosexuality, he plays it off very well that he disapproves of it.
Frank Falzon
This article has Falzon (detective who interviewed White after the killing) giving insight into the day of the killings, and the trial. Here, he also states that Dan told him he planned to kill Carol Ruth Silver, and Willie Brown on the same day as Moscone and Milk.
Diane Feinstein
About Diane Feinstein. The article covers a lot of information through the current time, but it notes the killings of Moscone and Milk. Feinstein remained calm throughout the evolving situation. There is also information about her earlier life like her marriages.
Harvey Milk
Article about Milk being elected in 1977. It is clear that he was a very important and influential person to the Gay community of San Francisco and the world.
Homosexual on board cites role as pioneer. (1977, Nov 10). New York Times (1923-Current File) Retrieved from
Here is an Article that talks more about Harvey Milk and the tape he left in case of assassination.
Milk left a tape for release if he were slain. (1978, Nov 28). New York Times (1923-Current File) Retrieved from